I LOVE houses. Old ones. New ones. Modern ones. Traditional ones. Quirky ones. All kinds. What I love the most is helping people figure out how to maximize their home’s potential. While I’m primarily based in the Washington D.C. ‘burbs, my happy place is the beaches of North Carolina’s Outer Banks where I spend as much time as possible (though it’s never enough). My design work spans these two unique communities. Professionally, I have what some may consider an eclectic background. I’m an Army Veteran, former corporate program and project manager, hold a bachelors and a masters degree and own my own interior design firm. So, yes, I’m constantly battling the logical and methodical side of my brain with the creative and resourceful side. This dichotomy actually results in pretty fantastic interior designs. I help my clients transform their homes to spectacular, stylish and super-functional spaces that reflect their style and deliver their revitalized space on time and on budget.